Unbelievable Fact About Appendix| appendix infection symptoms and question answers

Let's know Some Fact about Appendix, We think that the Appendix is the vestigial or useless organ of himan body and that's true now. But, several year's ago person have abilities to use Appendix Named organ. In Ancestor person Appendix is usefull organ. But the main question is that Appendix play which type of role in Ancestor person? Let's know the answer. 1. What type of role play by Appendix in Ancestor persone? Ans. Afcorss it's a abdominal organ so it's play main role in digestion. In several year's ago Ancestor persone mind set is not completely developed so they eat the food without cooking. So the hard food is difficult to digest by stomach so, stomach taking the help of Appendix. Appendix releases cellulose to digest the food. 2. Why Appendix is useless/vestigial? Ans. According to upper article, today's generation mind set is developed so now today's generation eat food by cooking so, the hard food is going in the...