What happen when Annabelle doll comes out| Annabelle fact| Annabelle real story

 What happen when Annabelle doll comes out from Museum?

In 2013 THE CONJURING movie was released. This movie is too different because thos movie us based on true story. In the movie there is one doll called Annabelle, movie director was redesigned to the doll for making more interesting to movie.

Let's know the true story of Annabelle doll:

In 1970 Mother of Donna named girl was gifted a doll to here girl. Angie and Donna both are room mate's so, when here Mother goes after giving a gift. Donna and Angie both noticed that the doll was changeing here position form bed. After some weeks this type incident was increasing rapidly. One day Donna was noted that the blood is flowing from the eyes of the doll, then donna was So Scare and immediately called to the paranormal investigator

Investigator says that the doll is 7 years old ghost but it is good ghost so don't worry and give him your love.

But After some day Father cook was saying that, this is not a 7 year old girl this making a drama she want you.

After some time Annabelle doll was locked in the wooden box in museum.

When Annabelle comes out from the museum then what happen...?

There is chances to happen thes type of incident again.

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