Amazing Fact Abou 6-G network

¤》Friend's now we are using the 4-G network ok, And now 5-G network was going to launch ok.

But, Now in the America Federal communications commission company was allowed to experiment on 6-G network.


॰॰Fact About 6-G network:-

1. Now the 5-G network was trending And 5-G is super Faster than the 4-G But the 6-G network is the beyond the world and it's too Faster than the 5-G

2. 4-G Has 2.5GHz
    5-G Has 95GHz
    6-G Has 3,000GHz

3. It means in 6-G network we Can download 1000 Gb deta or 1 Tb deta within 10-20sec.

4. The speed of the 6-G network is in the Tbps.

5. 100-200 Full HD movie's we can download in just 10-20sec.

6. The 6-G network is not made for just internet connectivity, it also has the use full feature like Wireless Drone Connectivity, Remote Artificial Intelligence Connectivity, Automatic Car control and Flight Communication.

7. 6-G means 6th Generation.

8. The launching year of 6-G is nearby 2030 or 2040.


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*This blog is written by Lakhan Dhaygude And =>Web of Fact<= YouTube channel..


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